Friday, 6 May 2016


This week I attended a Cannulation study day. We practiced on a sim arm but I have a feeling it's going to be a lot trickier on a real person! I believe being competent in Venepuncture is going to really help. I always go out of my way to take any bloods for my patients rather than waiting for the phlebotomist's as practice makes perfect! 

I've learned to feel for the vein rather than look for one! When I first started taking blood I would panic if I couldn't see a big juicy vein! But now, I take a deep breath and have a good feel.....since taking this approach I have been a lot more successful :) 

So, now I need to practice cannulation! I'm going to adopt the same approach and hopefully I will soon get the hang of it. All these clinical skills really help with being able to manage your patient load can be so time consuming having to wait for someone to take bloods when you need certain results or for someone to cannulate for you when your patient is due IV antibiotics or fluid!

Anyway, weekend off and it's my hubbies 40th birthday party this weekend so I best get back to the chicken goujons and sausage rolls! Enjoy the sunshine everyone! ☀️

Sunday, 24 April 2016

A Little Reflection......

I really don't have enough spare time to update this blog as much as I'd like, 3, 13 hour shifts every week is pretty time cosuming and exhausting! I try and spend my days off catching up with housework and enjoying time with my family.

Anyway, work is going well, I still love where I am and how much I learn from week to week. Next week I am going on another study day, Cannulation! Can't wait to have this skill under my belt, it's surprising how few nurses I work with can actually do this so its going to be nice to be able to help the team whenever I can! :)

I've started keeping a record of all the Continued Professional Development tasks I take part in ready for revalidation....I know it's 2 years away but it's nice to keep on top of things and monitor my own progress. It's a good reminder of how far I've come and how much I am growing into the role of a competent and confident staff nurse. I've also set myself the challenge of reading one CPD article in the Nursing Standard every month and completing the quiz included or writing a reflection.

I'm also keeping any feedback from patients and relatives. I've recieved some lovely cards. This is truely a fabulous reminder of why I love being a nurse....helping people and making a difference during a time when they are vulnerable/afraid/going through difficult times really is an honour and a pleasure! 

At the moment I'm in the middle of some annual leave, 10 days off! I have loved having some time to recharge and refresh  but I'm actually really looking forward to getting back on the ward next week and back in the company of the best team. It's true what they say, "find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life!" ❤️

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Supporting New Students.....

So we have some 1st year student nurses on placement with us at the moment. I've really enjoyed having a student working alongside me and having the opportunity to teach them all I can. I'm keen to give them a good experience as obviously I remember the difficult shifts I had as a student if the nurse you were working with was un-interested! However, there has been one particular student who doesn't seem happy to carry out any tasks which she deem's to be 'auxillary tasks'. I find this really frustrating because all the jobs are the 'teams' jobs.....caring for people should be our main priority....and this includes personal care and help with meals. My opinion is, I'm happy to take the time to teach, so please be happy to muck in! Thankfully, the other students I've worked with have been fab! Keen and eager....just like I was not so long ago! Haha! It makes me smile to myself when I have to sign a timesheet at the end of a shift! 

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Annual Leave......

10 days off! And it's definitely needed! I've worked 6 13&1/2 hour shifts over the last 8 days....3 nights, 3 days and it's safe to say I'm exhausted so need some time to recharge my batteries! Plus it's half term, Hubby also has the week off, so it's going to be fab getting to spend some time as a family :)

Work has been great....have been practicing my clinical skills and been signed off from my preceptorship and my extended competencies (bloods, ng insertion, blood transfusion). I've also been booked onto the cannulation course, looking forward to learning this new skill :)

Went on a night out last night with some of the girls from work, all partners came and it went really well! Everyone got on brilliantly and we all had a good laugh! Will look forward to the next time!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Where has the time gone??......

Wow.....I can't believe I haven't posted since October! 

This week marks the end of my preceptorship. I have achieved my IV, Venepuncture, Blood Transfusion and NG insertion competencies during this time. 

Also....probabation is up at work and I'm staying put! Haha! Still loving my job and feeling more and more confident in myself and my abilities. Gastro nursing is definitely my niche! 

Life at home is good....we had a fab Christmas....All together for the main 2 days! I was very lucky shift wise! 

Kids and hubby are happy and is settling down nicely! We are managing to save some money each month now that there are 2 wages coming in, so hopefully this year we can work our way through the house and make it all pretty! :)