Saturday 3 October 2015

7 Weeks Post Graduation......

Life is beginning to settle down. Work is going well and I'm beginning to manage my time better with each passing shift. I even managed to take my break yesterday and came out of work on time! ;-)

Friendships made during my time at uni seem to be fading out! However, I have managed to keep in touch with one of my friends, who is working in a community post, and it's nice to catch up and share our new experiences.

It's hard to believe I now get paid for doing a job I love..... Getting my first pay slip last week was a very surreal moment! Pursuing this career has improved our quality of life no end! We are now able to enjoy our times together as a family and make an effort to have a 'family fun day' every couple of weeks! :)

Next week I have to do an IV drug calculation exam followed by an IV study day in a few weeks. I am so looking forward to completing this as it is going to make things at work much easier as I won't need to chase after busy nurses to put up my IV's for me! ;-)

Time is still whizzing by....but for today, I am going to enjoy my day off (Sunday shift tomorrow!) with the family! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have carried this on, reading about all your amazing achievements but even better that we are doing them together xxx
