Wednesday, 28 January 2015

3rd Year, Semester 1, Results Day......

So thrilled, excited and proud to say that I passed all 3 modules with 2 A's and a B+. Have felt in a bit of a daze all day because I had convinced myself I would get a resit for the Medicines Management OSCE! Never did I think I would get an A!
So my overall average at the moment is 71.5....this means if I can keep it up I could possibly finish my degree with a 1st! However, that said a 2:1 would be just as amazing! 

In other news, my friend and I have been busy working on our's all coming along nicely. I'm actually enjoying writing it, you learn so much about your chosen topic area. The hardest part was constructing a decent research question but once you've got that the rest seems to fall into place. 

So, 2 more modules and the dissertation to conquer, 12 weeks on management placement and that's it....3 years training done and dusted! I'm allowing myself to get excited now....feel like I've survived the worst part of the year and I'm now on the home straight!

Feel so excited for the future right now! Can't take the smile off my face today! :)

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Dissertation Underway......

3 days into working on my dissertation and I've already lost the will to live! After changing my research questions umpteen times since September.....I thought I was finally happy with my decision but who would have thought finding research studies would be so flippin' hard?!?!?

We use the databases all the time to write assignments, but for some reason I can just not find what I need! It's driving my nuts!

Hence why I am updating on here....I'm hoping a little break and 10 minutes distraction will clear my mind and I can return to searching with fresh eyes! :)

On a side note.....went into uni yesterday to hand in hours and competencies for my last placement. My link lecturer had a look at my feedback and praised how well I had done in a difficult placement. She asked if I had thought about applying for a job there....I told her I thought I should get some experience on the wards before heading into ED, as this is what I have been advised previously. Her response...."that's an old fashioned view, get stuck in, no reason why your first post shouldn't be ED".......this has now got me thinking.....what to do? What to do? Argghhhhhh! Think I will wait to see where I end up for my management placement....see how I get on and go from there. Who knows where I will be this time next year?

Anyway, must get back to research! :(